Šiame 4 dienų kurse pristatomas informacinių sistemų audito procesas, mokoma įvertinti IT valdymo struktūrą, IT sistemų ir infrastruktūros gyvavimo ciklą, IT paslaugų teikimo ir palaikymo valdymo atitikimą teikiamų paslaugų lygiui, įvertinti, ar pakankamai apsaugotos IT priemonės, kad nelaimės atveju užtikrintų nenutrūkstamą verslo procesą. Kurso metu šalia teorijos bus pristatomi geriausios praktikos pavyzdžiai.
Tikslinė auditorija:
IT specialistai, atsakingi už informacinių technologijų ir sistemų saugumą, IT auditoriai, o taip pat besirengiantys CISA egzamino laikymui.
Dėstamos temos:
The Information Systems Audit Process
IT Governance
Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management
Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Maintenance
IT Service Delivery and Support
Protection of Information Assets
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
The Information Systems Audit Process
ISACA Information Systems Auditing Standards and Guidelines
Develop and Implement an Information Systems Audit Strategy
Plan an Audit
Conduct an Audit
The Evidence Lifecycle
Communicate Issues, Risks, and Audit Results
Support the Implementation of Risk Management and Control Practices
IT Governance
Evaluate the Effectiveness of IT Governance
Evaluate the IT Organizational Structure
Evaluate the IT Strategy
Evaluate IT Policies, Standards, and Procedures for Compliance
Ensure Organizational Compliance
IT Resource Investment, Use, and Allocation Practices
Evaluate IT Contracting Strategies and Policies
Evaluate Risk Management Practices
Performance Monitoring and Assurance Practices
Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management
Determine the Business Case for Change
Evaluate Project Management Frameworks and Governance Practices
Perform Periodic Project Reviews
Evaluate Control Mechanisms for Systems
Evaluate Development and Testing Processes
Evaluate Implementation Readiness
Evaluate a System Migration
Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Maintenance
Perform a Post-Implementation System Review
Perform Periodic System Reviews
Evaluate the Maintenance Process
Evaluate the Disposal Process
IT Service Delivery and Support
Evaluate Service Level Management Practices
Evaluate Operations Management
Evaluate Data Administration Practices
Evaluate the Use of Capacity and Performance Monitoring Methods
Evaluate Change, Configuration, and Release Management Practices
Evaluate Problem and Incident Management Practices
Evaluate the Functionality of the IT Infrastructure
Protection of Information Assets
Information Security Design
Encryption Basics
Evaluate the Design, Implementation, and Monitoring of Logical Access Controls
Evaluate the Design, Implementation, and Monitoring of Physical Access Controls
Evaluate the Design, Implementation, and Monitoring of Environmental Controls
Evaluate Network Infrastructure Security
Evaluate the Confidential Information Processes and Procedures
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
Evaluate the Adequacy of Backup and Restore
Evaluate the BCP and DRP
Auditoriniai mokymai
Pradžios data | Trukmė, d. | Kurso pavadinimas | Kaina, € | Statusas |
Užklausti | 4 | Pasiruošimas informacinių sistemų auditoriaus sertifikatui gauti (CISA) su egzaminu | € 2,700 | |
Užklausti | 4 | Pasiruošimas informacijos saugumo vadovo sertifikatui gauti (CISM) su egzaminu | € 2,700 |