Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric (DCUFD)


The recommended knowledge and skills that a learner should have to attend this course can be obtained in the following courses:

  • Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking (DCICN)
  • Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies (DCICT)

Course Content

The Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric (DCUFD) v5.0 course enables engineers to choose and design scalable, reliable and intelligent data center networks based on Unified Fabric, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and virtualized devices and topologies. The DCUFD 5.0 course is a 5-day instructor-led course (ILT) The course describes the technologies used in modern Cisco-based data centers, ways of integrating components, and latest guidelines and principles on data center design.

Course Objectives

These are the job tasks (domains and skill objectives from the audience, as well as job definition and job task analyses that will be taught and practiced in the course).

  • 1.00 Describe the design methodology
  • 2.00 Describe data center structure and modularity
  • 3.00 Describe the technologies used within the data center
  • 4.00 Design the core layer of a data center
  • 5.00 Design the aggregation layer of a data center
  • 6.00 Design the access layer of a data center
  • 7.00 Design storage and SAN solution
  • 8.00 Design security considerations into a data center
  • 9.00 Design network management considerations into a data center

Who Should Attend

  • Channel Partner / Reseller
  • Customer
  • Employee

Course Outline

  • Module 1 : Cisco Data Center Solution
  • Module 2: Data Center Technologies
  • Module 3: Data Center Topologies
  • Module 4: Data Center Storage
  • Module 5: Data Center Security

Nuotoliniai mokymai

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