Audience profile
- Knowledge of Microsoft Azure and ability to navigate the Azure portal
- Knowledge of either C#, Python, or JavaScrips
Please note: In order to access the Azure labs for this course you will need to have a Microsoft Outlook account that has/will not be used to associate with any other corporate Azure subscription. You can set up a new Outlook account here
Delegates will learn how to
- Create, configure, deploy, and secure Azure Cognitive Services
- Integrate speech services
- Integrate text analytics
- Create language understanding capabilities with LUIS
- Create and manage Azure Cognitive Search solutions
- Create intelligent agents using the Bot Framework
- Implment Computer Vision solution
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence in Azure
- Describe considerations for creating AI-enabled applications
- Identify Azure services for AI application development
- Getting Started with Cognitive Services
- Using Cognitive Services for Enterprise Applications
Lab : Get Started with Cognitive Services
Lab : Manage Cognitive Services Security
Lab : Monitor Cognitive Services
Lab : Use a Cognitive Services Container
- Provision and consume cognitive services in Azure
- Manage cognitive services security
- Monitor cognitive services
- Use a cognitive services container
- Analyzing Text
- Translating Text
Lab : Analyze Text
Lab : Translate Text
- Use the Text Analytics cognitive service to analyze text
- Use the Translator cognitive service to translate text
- Speech Recognition and Synthesis
- Speech Translation
Lab : Recognize and Synthesize Speech
Lab : Translate Speech
- Use the Speech cognitive service to recognize and synthesize speech
- Use the Speech cognitive service to translate speech
- Creating a Language Understanding App
- Publishing and Using a Language Understanding App
- Using Language Understanding with Speech
Lab : Create a Language Understanding App
Lab : Create a Language Understanding Client Application
Lab : Use the Speech and Language Understanding Services
- Create a Language Understanding app
- Create a client application for Language Understanding
- Integrate Language Understanding and Speech
- Creating a QnA Knowledge Base
- Publishing and Using a QnA Knowledge Base
Lab : Create a QnA Solution
- Use QnA Maker to create a knowledge base
- Use a QnA knowledge base in an app or bot
- Bot Basics
- Implementing a Conversational Bot
Lab : Create a Bot with the Bot Framework SDK
Lab : Create a Bot with Bot Framework Composer
- Use the Bot Framework SDK to create a bot
- Use the Bot Framework Composer to create a bot
- Analyzing Images
- Analyzing Videos
Lab : Analyze Images with Computer Vision
Lab : Analyze Video with Video Indexer
- Use the Computer Vision service to analyze images
- Use Video Indexer to analyze videos
- Image Classification
- Object Detection
Lab : Classify Images with Custom Vision
Lab : Detect Objects in Images with Custom Vision
- Use the Custom Vision service to implement image classification
- Use the Custom Vision service to implement object detection
- Detect faces with the Computer Vision service
- Detect, analyze, and recognize faces with the Face service
- Reading text with the Computer Vision Service
- Extracting Information from Forms with the Form Recognizer service
Lab : Read Text in Images
Lab : Extract Data from Forms
- Use the Computer Vision service to read text in images and documents
- Use the Form Recognizer service to extract data from digital forms
- Implementing an Intelligent Search Solution
- Developing Custom Skills for an Enrichment Pipeline
- Creating a Knowledge Store
Lab : Create an Azure Cognitive Search solution
Lab : Create a Custom Skill for Azure Cognitive Search
Lab : Create a Knowledge Store with Azure Cognitive Search
- Create an intelligent search solution with Azure Cognitive Search
- Implement a custom skill in an Azure Cognitive Search enrichment pipeline
- Use Azure Cognitive Search to create a knowledge store